Monday, July 27, 2009

You've got Mail.

Wooo Hoooo.

Just received this parcel.

Muah hahahahahahaha =)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

WIP on my little Pony ( Part 3 )

Doing an assemble to check any problem with my pony.
So far so good. LOL
Pictures away........

Time to do some push up.
Down 20 soldier.



Thursday, July 23, 2009

WIP on my little Pony ( Part 2 )

Modified the tail of my pony.
Now he can wack his little tail. Hee hee hee

Wacking it left...

Wacking it right.... LOL

Doing some final touch up on my pony's head

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Meng Huo, Zhu Rong & Elephant !!!

Wow. The elephant looks cool.
Think will be getting this set as well.

More soldiers on horses
Wah kakakakakaka

Sunday, July 19, 2009

WIP on my Little Pony

From this......

To this.... Hee hee hee

That's all for today

Sunday, July 12, 2009

More old project. =)

Another project from younger days.
Sent in for competition.
Too bad did not win any prize.
Guess my skill was not good enough at that time. =(
And there are too many good modelers out there.

Muah hahahahaha =)

Red Frame

Got this Red Frame recently.
Spend some time to prime the parts.

Not forgetting my Guan Ping.
He went through priming too.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Went on a shopping spree.

Bought 6 boxes.
Wonder izzit enough.....
Muah hahahahaha