Sunday, May 31, 2009

Great Singapore Sale !!!

GSS is here again.
Grabbed my share of model kits.

Muah hahahahahaha. =)

Saturday Nite Fever !!!!!!!!!!

Ho ho ho.
Finished my Alfro Keroro.
Wooooo Hooooo
LOL =)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Guan Ping's Claw

The claws for Guan Ping got a hole in the middle of it.
Wanted to just putty it, but decided to try out sumtin else.

I stuffed the hole with waste plastic from the runners.

I started filing the plastic & this is the end result.
Not bad. LOL

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Prime Prime Prime

Find some time to prime my Keroro.
Hee hee hee
Some W.I.P photos

Trying to duplicate the eyes.
So my Keroro will have changeable eyes.

Prime my Guan Ping shield as well.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Looooooong Time...

Sorry for the long absence.
Office is moving.
Busy packing & unpacking.

My Alfro Keroro is almost done....
Should be able to spray it soon.

As for my Guan Ping, little progress.
Only mod the shield abit.

Til next time.... LOL