So sorry for the long absence.Been sick n busy with work. Sigh......Now to show the tools i am using. =)
1. Pilers ( Top ) - Use for cutting the parts from the runners2. Files ( Middle ) - Use for sanding the parts
3. Mini Saw 0.15mm ( Bottom ) - To saw parts for mod
1. Pen Knife ( Top ) - Very useful for cutting plastic sheets n other stuff2. NT Cutter ( Middle ) - Another handy tool
3. Tweezer ( Bottom ) - Use for picking up small parts
1. Sand paper of different grind600, 800, 1000, 1200
There are finer grind like 1500 and 2000
The higher the number, the finer the sandpaper
The 2 plastic tools at the top of the picture was self made by me,
using acrylic sheets of 3mm thickness.
Very useful for sanding. =)